SubScribe: Murder, missing, mutilated. Yes, women are in trouble - because they're 'getting ahead' Google+

Friday, 31 January 2014

Murder, missing, mutilated. Yes, women are in trouble - because they're 'getting ahead'

There's a distinctly feminine feel about the fronts today with the verdict in the Meredith Kercher murder retrial, more activity in the McCann investigation and the growing gender gap at university. 

It's instructive to compare the splashes in the old-school Telegraph and the down-with-the-kids i. The former sees it as 'boys' being left behind; the latter as 'women' racing ahead. Boys? Generally people don't go to university until they are 18 - adults. In fact nobody's ahead or behind. It's about the number of applications, not achievement.

The most important story of the day comes from The Times with the Chief Inspector of Constabulary taking police forces to task for failing to tackle honour killings, female genital mutilation and domestic violence. 

To read the full review, please click here and pay a visit to the nascent SubScribe website.

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